I'm a big supporter of volunteer work. Before I had my littlest one, I used to drive meals for Meals-on-Wheels and cook for the Senior Center where I used to live. After moving to our new town, I attempted to volunteer for our local WIC, and was basically blown off. I was very disappointed. So, in lieu of actually going out and giving my services, I have been making newborn hats for a charity. They don't take very long to make. I picked a simple pattern that I can do anywhere, but I enjoy sharing something that makes a special day even more memorable. I know more people can volunteer somehow, if they just found something that appeases them. So, in honor of all those who want to give back. Here's my two cents. . .
If more people were more giving of themselves the world would be a better place. Seems everyone is always speeding their way to somewhere else, and only thinking of themselves. The hats are adorable!!