In case you haven't known, I've been busy these past couple of weeks getting things together for the Phat Fiber box. I've been spinning and packaging and mailing and everything in between getting everything done in time. February's box was a wonderful collection of fibers, yarns, and other odds and ends that tickled my imagination on the stuff I would like to make. Just in case you missed it, here's my box.
Now, for the first month I will be submitting, I wanted to do something special. I normally wouldn't send in sample that take me so long to make. 45 of them none the less! But I wanted everyone to get something special for the first time. So I made shawl pins that were Celtic themed for everyone.
It took time and patience, and I smashed my fingers a couple of times, but I think everyone will appreciate their treats.
If you would like to purchase one of my creations, you can check my Etsy store out at
If you would like to get a Phat Box of your own, you can get it at
I got one of your shawl pins in my Phat Box! It looks great with my Marta cardigan (that I haven't found a button for yet). :)