
Thursday, August 12, 2010

DIY Raddle for Weaving Loom


Raddle - An instrument consisting of a wooden bar, with a row of upright pegs set in it, used by domestic weavers to keep the warp of a proper width, and prevent tangling when it is wound upon the beam of the loom. [1913 Webster]

After warping my loom for the first time, I realized quickly that a raddle would be a very helpful tool. Unfortunately, I neither have the funds, nor the desire to purchase a $50 plus S/H raddle, when I can make my own.

The loom I have is an Ashford 32" 8 Shaft Table Loom. It's a beauty and a dream to work on (once I got it warped). The legth measurements I give or for my particular loom. To make it fit yours, simply measure the width and cut accordingly.

1 1/2 inch Pine/Oak cut down to width of loom (34 1/2" for my Ashford)
3/4 Inch Dowel for Legs cut down to 2 1/4 length (optional)
Lots of 2" nails
Measuring Tape


1. Measure the space you would like your raddle to sit and cut. For my loom, it was 34 1/2".

2. Marking the center of the loom, place two parallel lines on either side. This is where you hammer in the nails. I use two lines to keep the close nails from splitting the wood.

3. On one line, make a 1/2 inch marks from the center out. On the other line, stagger the marks, and mark 1/2 inch again across the wood. This will give 1/4 inch gaps between front and back nails.

4. Now with your nail placement marked, start hammering in all those nails. I'm not very picky, so my nails aren't perfectly straight. It will still work. (Optional) I used different color nails to mark the center and every 4 inches out.

5. (Optional) Since I needed mine to see up higher to keep the warp from stretching over the top, and making it uneven, I added in 2 1/4" dowel legs on either side.

6. Finally finished! I put the raddle on my loom and I'm ready to go.

It know it's not pretty, but it works great. When I'm actually ready to use it, I tie it down using a couple of pieces of scrap yarn to keep it from moving.

Another method I've seen it to drill holes down the wood and set in wooden pegs. I didn't want to buy more than I needed to or waste time drilling all those holes. It can look prettier though, so it's your choice. I hope this helps one of you out there to make your own!

If you like this or any other DIY tutorials, feel free to donate directly to me using the link below. I truly appreciate anything you can offer to keep me creating. 


  1. Wow...this is beautiful. It does look complicated, though. Not sure I can make this.

  2. The article is very interesting and nice, I hope you can also visit my website to thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for this tutorial! $5 at Home Depot and a few hours work definitely beats $500 for a new raddle. Although the guy at Home Depot was confused about what you meant by a 1 1/2 inch board. 1x1/2? 1.5"?
    Eventually I just got confused and bought a 2x4. But it works great!

  4. Well done! I was in exactly the same position myself - and I have the identical loom! - and I tried to make my own raddle using exactly the same process a couple of months ago but found I was totally incapable of hammering the nails in even remotely close to straight. In the end I got so frustrated that I gave up. I'm now waiting for my husband to 3D print me one :)
